Scripting Command MARUI_Get

Scripting Command MARUI_Get

Query MARUI internals.


meterToMayaUnits (-m2u) <float>
Get real-world meter distance in Maya units. In query mode, the command returns the distance for one real-world meter.

-mayaUnitsToMeter (-u2m) <float>
Get real-world meter distance of Maya units. In query mode, the command returns the distance for one Maya unit.

-shiftState (-shf)
Query whether the user is currently pressing the Shift widget/button.

-altState (-alt)
Query whether the user is currently pressing the Alt widget/button.

-triggerPressure (-tp) <string : side>
Get the controller trigger pressure for the given controller (“left”, “right” or “aux”), ranging from 0 to 1.