Scripting Command MARUI_License

Scripting Command MARUI_License

MARUI Licensing information and operations.


-productcode (-pc)
Product code (ie: this computer’s UUID) [query only].

-licensekey (-lk) <string>
Set / get the license key (ie: the activation code).

-username (-un)
User name (as registered at MARUI server).

-valid (-v)
Is the license valid?

-request (-rq)
Request license from user name.

-renew (-rn)
Renew license from server.

-type (-typ)
Get the license type.

-tutorialOnly (-tut)
Whether this version of MARUI is a tutorial-only (trial) version.

-status (-st)
Query a string describing the current license status (or last error if any occurred).

-trial (-tr)
Query whether this is a trial version of MARUI.