Scripting Command MARUI_Set

Scripting Command MARUI_Set

Set MARUI internals.


-backgroundcolor (-cb) <float: red> <float: green> <float: blue>
Set the background color for VR display. RGB values are each 0 to 1.

-oculardominance (-od) <string: side>
Set the ocular dominance (“eyedness”). Possible values are “left”, “right” and “toggle”.

-shading (-shd) <string>
Set / get display shading (“wireframe”, “solid”, “textured”, “toggle”).

-lighting (-lgh) <string>
Set / get lighting display (“default”, “selected”, “all”, “ambient”, “toggle”).

-ardisplay (-ar) <string>
Set / get AR display (“on”, “off”, “toggle”).

-zoomspeed (-zs) <float>
Set / get the speed of the zoom navigating by mouse wheel (degrees to scale factor) when in mouse mode.

-dollyspeed (-ds) <float>
Set / get the speed of the dolly movement when navigating (mouse px to mm) when in mouse mode.

-tumblespeed (-ts) <float>
Set / get the speed of the camera tubmle movement when navigating (mouse px to 0.01rad) when in mouse mode.

-shiftemulation (-se) <float>
Enable / disable viewport mouse shift emulation (“on”, “off”, “toggle”) when in mouse mode.

-modelviewframedelay (-mfd) <int>
Set / get the frame delay a.k.a the VR priority which determines how much processing power is reserved for the Desktop 2D Maya user interface.

-mayaviewportinterval (-mvi) <int>
Set / get the render (refresh) interval for the Maya viewports (in ms).

-maruimodelviewinterval (-mmi) <int>
Set / get the refresh (redraw) interval for the Desktop MARUI viewport window (in ms).

-reportFramerate (-rf) <boolean>
Set / get whether the modelview should report the in-VR framerate.

-vrgamma (-vrg) <float>
Set / get the VR gamma correction value.

-nearclipplane (-ncp) <float>
Set / get the near clip plane distance in real-world meters.

-farclipplane (-fcp) <float>
Set / get the far clip plane distance in real-world meters.

-modelviewOnTop (-mvt) <int>
Set / get whether the MARUI desktop window is always on top (1=true, 0=false).

-modelviewwidth (-mvw) <int>
Set / get the MARUI Desktop window width in pixels

-modelviewheight (-mvh) <int>
Set / get the MARUI Desktop window height in pixels

-vrwidth (-vrw) <int>
Set / get the MARUI VR rendering resolution width in pixels

-vrheight (-vrh) <int>
Set / get the MARUI VR rendering resolution height in pixels

-displaylinewidth (-dlw) <float>
Set / get the display line width (for edges and NURBS curves) in pixels.

-environmentdisplay (-ed) <string>
Set / get the VR environmental display. Possible values are “custom” cubemap, “lake”, “sky”, “plane” and “empty”.

-environmenttexturepaths (-etp) <string: front> <string: back> <string: left> <string: right> <string: up> <string: down>
Set the paths (in local file system) for the custom cubemap images.

-visibilitybit (-vb) <int>
Get or toggle a display / visibility setting bit (ie the n-th bit from least-significant.
7=IK Handles
10=Particle Instancers
15=Texture Placements

-visibilitybitword (-vbw) <int>
Get or set display/visibility bit (flag) word (eg: 1=NurbsCurves, 2=NurbsSurfaces, 4=Meshes, …).

-visibilityfromviewport (-vfv)
Load display/visibility settings from Maya viewport and use the same in MARUI.