Scripting Command MARUI_Util

Scripting Command MARUI_Util

Utility functions for scripting.


-findClosestObject (-fco) <float: x> <float: y> <float: z> [-selection (-sel)]
Find the object that is closest (by surface) to given point.
Add the -sel flag to search only the current selection.

-findClosestFace (-fcf) <float: x> <float: y> <float: z> [-selection (-sel)]
Find the face that is closest to given point.
Add the -sel flag to search only the current selection.

-findClosestEdge (-fce) <float: x> <float: y> <float: z> [-selection (-sel)]
Find the edge that is closest to given point.
Add the -sel flag to search only the current selection.

-findClosestVertex (-fcv) <float: x> <float: y> <float: z> [-selection (-sel)]
Find the vertex that is closest to given point.
Add the -sel flag to search only the current selection.

-findObjectByRaycast (-for) <float: source x> <float: source y> <float: source z> <float: direction x> <float: direction y> <float: direction z> [-selection (-sel)]
Find the first object by ray-cast hit/intersection.
Add the -sel flag to search only the current selection.

-saveSelectedMesh (-ssm) <string: path> <string: name>
Save selected mesh to file.

-deviceMirrorNodes (-dmn)
Create VR device mirrors.

-binaryOr (-bo) <int> <int>
Perform a bit-wise binary “or” operation between the two values.

-binaryAnd (-ba) <int> <int>
Perform a bit-wise binary “and” operation between the two values.

-binaryXOr (-bxo) <int> <int>
Perform a bit-wise binary “exclusive-or” operation between the two values.