Documentation: The Polygon Menu

The Polygon Menu

The Polygon Menu provides tools and features for working with polygon objects.
It is indicated by the following icon:
in the “Polygon” User Interface layout it is located on the left controller and indicated by the following icon:

In this Menu, you will find the following sub-menus:





Create New Polygon Object

In this sub-menu, you can create new polygon objects such as cubes, spheres, planes etc.
When you create a new object, it will appear at the place of your right controller in VR.




Polygon Tools

This sub-menu contains a number of tools for working with polygon objects.
This includes the following tools:
PolyDraw: Place vertices in free space and connect them to polygons.
Extrude: Extrude faces or edges to create new geometry.
– Split: Cut a polygon face into two.
– InsertEdgeLoop: Insert new edges around an object.
– Sculpt: Deform the polygon geometry.




Polygon Operations

This sub-menu contains common Maya operations to be performed on objects on a polygon component level such as Bevel, Bridge, and Merge.




Transform Operations

This sub-menu offers common object transformations such as mirroring, rotating by 90 degrees or 180 degrees, or aligning objects.




Mesh Operations

This sub-menu contains operations that affect Polygon meshes as a whole. This includes boolean operations (difference, union, and intersection) among other operations.





This sub-menu contains operations that affect polygon normals, including hardening/softening edges, flipping normals or creasing edges.